Setkání Agília Praha prosinec 2019

Dne 3. prosince 2019 se bude konat další setkání Agília v Praze.

Program: Diskusia – Demistifikácia agilných zmlúv? Facilituje – Michal Vallo

Agilia Meetup – Agile Contract Demistifying

Some time ago I have followed a discussion on LinkedIn from layers about writing agile contracts and how to approach agility. It was clear, that Agile and its purpose is not fully understood in the community. It is also because most organizations struggle with agility either. They stick the Agile label on something and expect the lawyer to prepare the contract accordingly. Contracts are expected to be in the traditional form then and ignore the context the agility comes from. With the result, all parties struggle.

Let’s talk about Agile and agile contracts. Let’s have a look at what Agile is about, and how we could construct such contracts. Let’s have a look at what was done in the field some 10 years ago and what is happening now. I am not a lawyer. I one of the biggest promoters of implementing Agile right. I can share my experience with Agile, with thinking about Agile Contracts, or with my experience from the court according to the agile contract. And I will facilitate this discussion, to uncover various opinions on how we should think or construct such contracts.

The event will be facilitated by Michal Vallo

PS: If up to 5 persons will show up, we will meet in some bar or restaurant. If more people will sign up, we will find some better places.

Těší se na Vás: Michal Vallo

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Detail akce

prosinec 03
Začátek akce:18:00
Konec akce:21:00